Saturday, April 30, 2016
12:34 April 30
I was working at the Staff Development Center at 12:34 today. It was good work, and I felt like it was important.
Then I came home, and played basketball in the driveway with the boys. I was thankful for our laughter and friendly competition. After, I came in and played records on my record player with Lauren. We danced and sang all the way through an easy dinner I made. Allison delivered T to his first sleepover, and we have a teeball game to look forward to with Evan tonight. I've been very aware of the preciousness of today and thankful for a day full of people I love.
Friday, April 29, 2016
12:34 April 29

Tobin had a tough decision to make last night. His school class was having a special family night, presenting their Civil Rights projects they had been working on for the last few weeks. But he also had a baseball game scheduled. He went back and forth, but ultimately settled on the school event. I know it was a difficult choice, but Matt and I felt whatever choice he made would be the right one. Above is the speech he wrote. The class spent time talking about using "voice" to effect positive change. I'm really grateful for Tobin's class community and the thoughtful lesson plans of his teacher and--in this case--student teacher. I'm also thankful that he loves baseball and takes seriously his commitment to his team. Although he experienced some stress picking between school and the game, I'm thankful he had both opportunites. (And we kinda lucked out because the baseball game got suspended due to weather.)
Thursday, April 28, 2016
12:34 April 28
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
12:34 April 27
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
12:34 April 26
A former student stopped by my room today while making a delivery. We talked for a while as peers and shared good memories. I'm thankful for a job that has introduced me to thousands of people I might otherwise not have known.
Monday, April 25, 2016
12:34 April 25
Sunday, April 24, 2016
12:34 April 24

Saturday, April 23, 2016
12:34 April 23
Friday, April 22, 2016
12:34 April 22
I'm reading three different books now for work and for pleasure. T reads any chance he gets. Evan has really taken to reading the last few weeks, and Lauren loves to read us her own versions of books. I'm thankful to have, and to have grown up in, houses that love and appreciate reading.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
12:34 April 21

I'm grateful for a low-key day: all three kids at school, a mid-morning run, banana bread baking, plans to meet a friend for a late-afternoon drink, leftovers for supper and a baseball-free evening. Since Saturday, we've been to the ball park every day except Monday, and the boys have played three games each. It's been a really fun (especially with Mimi here!) few days, but I am thankful for a little change of pace--for today at least.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
12:34 April 20
I'm thankful for the family I married into. Amy has been with us the the last few days, playing and working and sharing with us. The kids were literally jumping into her arms when she got here.
I have a lot of great memories of my grandparents, and it's exciting to see my kids making their own with theirs. There's always a letdown after Mimi visits, but that's because of how great it is when she's here.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
12:34 April 19
Monday, April 18, 2016
12:34 April 18
Sunday, April 17, 2016
12:34 April 17
Saturday, April 16, 2016
12:34 April 16
Friday, April 15, 2016
12:34 April 15
Thursday, April 14, 2016
12:34 April 14
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
12:34 April 13
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
12:34 April 12
Monday, April 11, 2016
12:34 April 11
Sunday, April 10, 2016
12:34 April 10
Saturday, April 09, 2016
12:34 April 9

When my 12:34pm alarm went off today, I had already spent more than four hours at the boys' baseball field, most of that time by myself with all three kids because Matt had to work this morning. The day started with team pictures, then opening ceremonies, then waiting in a long concession line so I could buy Tobin a hot dog before his noon game, and then feeding Evan and Lauren sandwiches and snacks I had packed while I made sure Tobin had all his equipment for his game. During this time I had lost Lauren about two-and-a-half times in the crowd and had asked my standing-around kids to PLEASE STOP PUSHING/TOUCHING/TACKLING each other no fewer than a million times. And the thing that made the whole morning even more stressful was that it was weirdly chilly and so windy. But by 12:34, Matt had joined us. Tobin's team was off to a good-hitting start in a game they would eventually win. Evan and Lauren had made friends to spend most of the game playing with. I had survived my stressful morning, and even though I hated the wind--that persisted ALL DAY LONG--it was a happy, fun start to the baseball season. Go Twins! Go Orioles!
(And now I am home, and Matt is making us pancakes for supper and I don't have to be outside for the rest of the day.)
Friday, April 08, 2016
12:34 April 8
I'm thankful for my sons' enthusiasm for their new baseball seasons.
Thursday, April 07, 2016
12:34 April 7
Tourney Final
- Oklahoma is probably thankful that the Carolina game happened, so no one will remember their Final Four Facepalm.
- Buddy Hield is an awesome player and he loves his mom. I'll let those be my last memories of him in college.
- Villanova winning might bring out the Big East crazies that dominated March media for a long time. Here's hoping it doesn't.
- You all are really nice to participate in the nonsense I facilitate here every year. I look forward to it, and I spend more time on it than I probably should, but I appreciate you reading and taking part. Oh, and get ready, because Kentucky's got a [all-brand new] squad next year!
Wednesday, April 06, 2016
12:34 April 6
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
12:34 April 5
Monday, April 04, 2016
12:34 April 4
Sunday, April 03, 2016
12:34 April 3

I'm thankful for a day at home between our Spring Break travels and returning to school and work tomorrow. Vacation is fun, but making the transition back to "normal life" isn't so much. At least we have a day to rest, do a little laundry and brace ourselves.
Saturday, April 02, 2016
12:34 April 2
Today we drove home successfully, and tonight the Final Four starts. I'm in a little denial about going back to work Monday, but I'm thankful for another safe, fun Spring Break.
Friday, April 01, 2016
12:34 April 1

We are spending the day in Berea, Kentucky, with Matt's sister and her family. A couple of years ago on Spring Break, we visited Sarah, Dan and two-month-old Sam at their home in New York City. Sam is a busy, talkative two year old now, and Berea is quite the change of pace. We're enjoying walks through town and a nearby bounce house. I'm thankful the cousins are making memories together.