Sunday, July 31, 2016
12:34 July 31
Saturday, July 30, 2016
12:34 July 30

We arrived in Louisville last night. Today I am enjoying all the things I love about being here: sleeping in, having waffles for breakfast, chatting with my mother-in-law over coffee, running pretty routes with Matt and planning a date night for later. I'm thankful for the promise in the week ahead: relaxing family time.

Friday, July 29, 2016
12:34 July 29
Today at 12:34, I was driving through the mountains, listening to a David Bazan song, traveling with my family to visit my mom. I'm thankful for our family tradition of road trips (even with the sting of our car trouble in Louisiana).
Thursday, July 28, 2016
12:34 July 28
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
12:34 July 27
We're enjoying a low-key day after an awesome trip to the zoo yesterday. I got to run under cloudy skies this morning, which made July running much more pleasant. I need to start working on work again soon, but I'm thankful for free-form days like today while I have them.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
12:34 July 26

Back in April, I won the bid on a year-long membership to the NC Zoo at a silent auction fundraiser for the kids' school. I was thrilled to get the membership at a good price, while supporting our PTA. The zoo is an hour-and-a-half drive from us, so planning a trip means we need to block off the whole day. We talked casually with the kids about going to the zoo this summer, and Lauren latched on to the idea very enthusiastically. In fact, nearly every day we were away in Georgia and Louisiana, she would predict, "When we go back home to North Carolina, we're going to the ZOO!"
When we did get home, we needed a week or so to unpack, relax and regroup. Nearly every morning, Lauren would suggest, "Today would be a great day to go to the zoo!" This week rolled around and we thought it would be a great time to take a day trip, but the heat got really bad. We decided to brave it anyway, remembering that the zoo had lots of natural shade and plenty of indoor exhibits. We headed out this morning with about 2 gallons of water and a cooler full of food for a picnic lunch. It had been a couple years since we'd been, so Matt and I even took the time to map out our route through the exhibits, so that we could hopefully see everything but also not double-back and increase our walking distance.
It all went really well. We are now at a point in our family life that we can pack pretty lightly: no stroller and just one backpack with our water. I haven't been to a lot of zoos, but the NC Zoo is probably my favorite. It's really nice: great shaded walking trails and really pretty exhibits. We saw nearly everything, covered about six miles in the process, and even got away with not spending a dime because our membership got us in free and we ate sandwiches back at our van for lunch. The kids really only complained a little, and were characteristically delighted and delightful, enjoying all the animals.
I'm grateful for very special day with my family.
Monday, July 25, 2016
12:34 July 25
I'm thankful for a house with air conditioning and clean water.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
12:34 July 24
Saturday, July 23, 2016
12:34 July 23
I'm thankful for pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, coffee, and friends to share them with.
Friday, July 22, 2016
12:34 July 22
Thursday, July 21, 2016
12:34 July 21
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
12:34 July 20

After being away for a few weeks, it almost feels like we're vacationing at home. It's so nice to be back in my own kitchen, own bed, own neighborhood. We're back to our usual routines of playing outside after dinner. The boys have been playing a lot of driveway tennis, which they more or less taught themselves after watching Wimbledon on TV and with some guidance from Matt. I'm grateful for my home and for my kids' love of sports.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
12:34 July 19
I'm thankful for my kids' chatter at the dining room table at lunchtime. Today's topics: lemurs, beetles, the geographic history of Africa and Madagascar (and the ensuing development of monkeys on one and lemurs the other), how to pronounce grapes & apples, and the steepest street in the world.
Monday, July 18, 2016
12:34 July 18
Sunday, July 17, 2016
12:34 July 17
I'm thankful for our family meal traditions: Saturday pancakes, Sunday quickbread or muffins, and pizza night with Phineas & Ferb.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
12:34 July 16

This morning when Evan woke up we asked what the Tooth Fairy had given him, because he had put FOUR teeth under his pillow. His reason for keeping the teeth, some dating back to early May, was varied. At first, he was sentimental: "But I love that tooth. It's the only one of those teeth I've ever had." Later, as they accumulated, he mused, "Maybe I'll just save all the teeth I lose from now on, and then I'll get a lot of money at once. It'll be like my birthday!" But last night, when his fourth top tooth was added to this bag, he declared he was ready. He worried that the Tooth Fairy wouldn't accept them all at once: "Maybe if she doesn't take them, we will separate them tomorrow night."
Well this morning, he said he hadn't checked under his pillow because he wanted the whole family to watch him do it. When he discovered the five-dollar bill, he was surprised because the usual reward is a dollar per tooth. We suggested that maybe the Tooth Fairy was so impressed with four teeth at once that she gave him a bonus. He wondered, "Maybe she miscounted in the dark . . . because there were so many teeth?"
I'm grateful for my sweet, hilarious middle child and everyday moments like these that make for fun family memories.
Friday, July 15, 2016
12:34 July 15
At 12:34 today, I had soaked a shirt with sweat from cleaning the gutters, trimming trees, chopping up a limb that had fallen over the fence, and removing a wild blackberry patch from the back yard. I am thankful to be able to work in my yard, and thankful for our home.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
12:34 July 14
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
12:34 July 13
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
12:34 July 12

For those of you wondering about our location, we are still in Louisiana. I am struggling with some impatience and feelings of frustration that we are totally at the mercy of a Honda dealership in Alexandria, that appears to not have any sense of urgency regarding our van's repair.
Our extended stay has afforded us some extra time with my brother Al and sister-in-law Melinda. We only get to see them about once a year, when we are able to make it to Lake Charles. Uncle Al has been stopping by to have lunch with us on his midday break and sharing most dinners with us. Melinda has treated the kids to a movie on Saturday and painted Lauren's nails. Al has been taking the kids on walks around the block to find Pokémons. We love spending time with them and I'm thankful for the memories we're making on this particular visit.
Monday, July 11, 2016
12:34 July 11
Sunday, July 10, 2016
12:34 July 10
Saturday, July 09, 2016
12:34 July 9
I'm thankful for health that allows me to exercise and be fairly active.
Friday, July 08, 2016
12:34 July 8

I'm really thankful for my parents. This is our last day with them for a while, so we're trying to make the most of it. They're generous and fun--a great, supportive combo for Matt and me as we parent our kiddos. As you can see above, Mimi and Granpa are always up to for a game, even Mimi who is recovering from an ACL injury she suffered while playing with the kids back in April. I'm also grateful she's obviously healing well.
Thursday, July 07, 2016
12:34 July 7
I'm thankful for air conditioning.
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
12:34 July 6
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
12:34 July 5
I'm thankful to have so many people who care about and love me and my family.
Monday, July 04, 2016
12:34 July 4
Sunday, July 03, 2016
12:34 July 3
Tobin & Evan got to play on the same kickball team tonight at Toledo Bend. They almost never get to team up. I'm thankful for sons who cheer for and celebrate each other.
Saturday, July 02, 2016
12:34 July 2
Friday, July 01, 2016
12:34 July 1
Today, Allison and I have been married 16 years. I'm thankful for our friendship, marriage, and partnership. I've had my greatest joys and sadnesses with her, and could wish for no one better to have lived them with.