This week, we're observing Teacher Appreciation Week at the kids' school. Our PTA does a great job suggesting things to do each day to show our gratitude. I love this week every year, because it is such an intentional, communal expression of thanks for some very loving, hard-working people.
Last week, Evan missed writing in his journal (his assignment is two sentences in response to the book he read that night) on a particularly busy evening. On that day--which happened to be an early-release from school--Evan went home with a friend for a play date. We picked him up and went straight to dinner out with a friend. We had a lovely time at dinner at this place that has a patio and yard, where the kids could play, while we lingered over dinner and drinks with our friends. But by the time we arrived home, it was past bedtime so I let Ev skip his homework. On Friday, when he turns in his journal for his teacher to check, he was worried about that missing assignment, so I wrote Mrs. Zopfi a note with assurances that it was probably okay.
You can see above the note she wrote him back. He read it, smiled and proudly hung it on the wall next to his bed. This sweet interaction is just one of many that has happened with my kids and their wonderful teachers--showing the mutual love and respect they share with each other. I am so grateful for teachers everywhere, but particularly Lauren's Mrs. Hawkins and Mr. Alexander; Evan's Mrs. Zopfi and Mr. Hawkins (adorably married to Lala's teacher); and Tobin's Mr. Rogers.
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