I cut my hair today because I start chemotherapy soon.
This has been a place where I've shared stories from our overwhelmingly happy life. Mindful of these blessings but with a heavy heart, I need to share how our story is unfolding in a most unexpected way.
On February 22, I found out I have breast cancer. My journey to diagnosis took several months and seems to have been complicated by the fact I was still nursing. For a while, the doctors I saw thought my symptoms were related to blocked milk ducts and a possible lactation-related infection. A vigilant surgical oncology nurse practitioner pushed for more aggressive imaging and a radiologist finally said I should have a biopsy to rule out cancer. Unfortunately, it was cancer.
Because my breast had been symptomatic for several months, I was very afraid that the cancer had spread. We already knew it had spread to a biopsied lymph node under my arm. On Wednesday, we were relieved to find out it has not spread beyond that. Matt and I met with a team of specialists at UNC Cancer Hospital to discuss a treatment plan, and we received (relatively) good news.
Here is what we know right now:
- A PET/CT scan showed no spreading of the cancer beyond what we knew from the pathology report.
- The type of cancer I have is invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), which is the most common type. About 80% of all breast cancers are IDC.
- The cancer is estrogen- and progesterone-receptor-positive, which makes it in the words of my medical oncologist "very treatable." As we understand it there are very good drugs for treating this kind.
- At least one of my lymph nodes is positive for cancer.
- I will start with chemotherapy, most likely as soon as March 11. I will receive 8 treatments over a 16-week stretch, with a week off between each treatment. There are several reasons why I will have chemo before surgery: (1) because of the lymph node involvement, I would have to have chemo after surgery anyway; (2) chemo buys us time for my breasts to "normalize" post-breastfeeding, which in turn allows my doctors to "see" the cancer in my breast better; (3) chemo may shrink the cancer and (4) chemo also provides time for my genetic testing to come back.
- Surgery will follow chemotherapy. Ideally, by the time I finish chemo the doctors can better assess the size of the cancer to make their recommendation of lumpectomy versus mastectomy. The results of genetic testing might also affect my surgical options.
- After surgery I will have radiation therapy, which aims to kill any cancer cells remaining after surgery.
We have been deeply touched by the immediate and overwhelming way in which people have reached out to us. We know we are not facing this alone. We feel very loved.
Our kids are happy and necessary distractions. Life just goes on for them, and we're making every effort to keep their lives as normal as possible. At nearly seven, Tobin knows that something is going on. We've been talking to him about it as we can. Right now he knows I have a sickness called "cancer" and I have doctors who are working hard to help me get better. We've introduced the idea of chemotherapy and how it might make me extra tired, nauseated and change my hair. He seems only mildly interested in it for now but we've encouraged him to ask questions if he has them. Twenty-month-old Lauren has handled abrupt weaning from nursing very well--better than me in fact. It was especially helpful to have Matt, Ashley and my parents around for support and distraction. And three-year-old Evan is very excited to be hosting so many of his favorite out-of-town people. We know things can and will change for them, but we are grateful for how things are right now.
We will likely keep you updated right here at this blog, where we always have. I like the idea of sharing this story alongside our happier ones because together they make up our life. I wake up each morning wishing things were different, but if this is what we have to face I'm glad we're in it together and, for the time being, we know what we can do about it.
Before today, I hadn't cut my hair in over a year. It's as long as it's been in ten years. When my hair stylist asked if I was ready for her to cut off my nearly foot-long ponytails, I said, "Yes." It occurred to me that cutting my hair off was one of the least scary things I've done in the last month. (In case you were wondering or planning a dramatic hair-chopping yourself, I want you to know I'm sending my hair to Locks of Love. Pantene Beautiful Lengths accepts donations of 8 inches if you don't have the 10-inch minimum for Locks of Love. Also, my salon cuts hair for donations free of charge; yours might too.)
Here's hoping I'm writing happier stories here soon enough.

We haved cried and prayed for since Tricia called. Bob and I know that there is so little that we can, but pray. If there is something that we might do to help, please ask.
Aunt B.
Ashley, don't know if you remember the Millers from Morningside. Pati and I will be praying feverently for your healing and God's blessings on you and your family. Paul
Janet & Beckie, we love y'all and feel so fortunate to have our extended family supporting us from afar.
Paul, yes I definitely remember you! I appreciate your prayers and thank you for your sweet note.
Praying for complete healing. Please try not to let cancer rob you of the joys in your life. You have a wonderful supportive family and are blessed with three beautiful children.
Rest when you need to and let those who love you assist you in your journey. This soon shall pass. Bless you...
I will be praying for that cancer to come right out of your body in the name of a Jesus....remember that of god brings you through it and will see you through it.....remember that Jesus died to take away our sickness....so in the name of Jesus I declare you will be healed. ....
Jovanna arias
Allison, so bittersweet to read of your diagnosis. Your faith, beautiful family, and grace are an inspiration! You are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
Allison, I echo Kara. You are a beautiful woman and a great mother. I will pray for strength and endurance as you fight this battle. Thank you for sharing your story with us; doing so takes much courage. You are such an encouragement. - Shayne Rodgers Buchanan
We wish you all the best, Allison--please let us know if you need anything-- we are happy to help!
Jeff and Anuja
Matt and Ashley, I am there for you two. Call me if you need me. You are in my prayers. Kee
Allison and Matt- I am praying that you will be comforted and filled with peace.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Allison, we will dutifully pray in agreement with you for a full and speedy recovery from breast cancer.
Allison, praying for you and your beautiful family through this journey. A big hug to you and Matt. Love, Lauren Flores
Allison, Charles and our boys and I will be praying for you. You probably don't know us, but your parents were dear, sweet mentors to us a long time ago... We've been blessed recently to see prayers answered for someone you might have known... the daughter of Christen Sappington Stephens... God shrank young Rachael's tumor exactly the way we and so many others prayed although the "prognosis" was not good... please keep us posted (I'll watch your blog) and we will sit at our kitchen table and pray for you and your family!
Hey Allison, I'm so sorry to hear this news, but happy to read that your doctors are confident with treatment! It's unbelievable, and I am thankful your sweet family is around you. Thank you, thank you for sharing your experience through your blog, opening your circumstance to others. I will be praying for you, Matt and the kids for strength through this process. Love the hair!!! - Sarah Dixon Stewart
Many thanks to everyone for your kind words and prayers. So sweet to hear from so many, near and far, past and present. We feel the love, y'all.
You and Matt are two of the kindest people I've ever met. I'm praying for you guys.
--Gabe Neville
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