There are also some photos from our visits to Florida and Kentucky in October.

And finally, a few shots from this past weekend when Aunt Ashley and Ellie visited.

Tobin is almost 18 months and had a good check-up at the doctor earlier this week. He's settled into a 50th percentile curve for length (32.25 inches) and 60th percentile curve for weight (26 lb. 3 oz.), and REMAINS in the 95th percentile for head circumference (19.75 inches). Except for the inevitable runny nose that ALL the kids at his school seem to have right now, Tobin is in fine health. (Hey, we're glad that it's "good" snot--if there is such a thing: thin and clear.) We're thankful that despite his finicky eating and continued refusal to drink cow's milk, he is growing well. Oh, and Tobin appears to be cutting is seventh and eighth teeth: his top molars. We hope for more enthusiastic chewing now that he has some teeth that can really grind up his food. He DID eat almost a whole Chick-fil-a chicken nugget the other day. He has previously shown disdain for most things meat-like in texture. In the meantime, we continue to believe in the sustaining power of Cheerios, bananas, and breastmilk, the three foods T will eat on a consistent basis. :)
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