Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I suppose this post is a bit overdue . . . Nearly a week ago (last Wednesday), I finished the NC Bar Exam. The best part about it is that it is over. I spent 5 weeks cramming and then 12 hours actually taking the test. Quite an ordeal. Tobin spent the two days with his dad, drinking every drop of each bottle offered to him.

Speaking of Tobin's dad, there are many reasons why I am thankful for my husband. But this summer, he has been exceptionally helpful. He was my nanny/housekeeper/cook/best friend while I studied a riduculous amount of law. I quite simply could not have taken the test without him--much less avoided being miserable while doing it. He allowed me great flexibility in balancing my study time with Tobin time, all while providing constant encouragement.

Tobin and I are so blessed to have Matt.

With the exam behind me, I can spend my time doing more pleasant, more important things. What have I been doing? Mainly, hanging out with Tobin. I've indulged myself by taking a nap with him each day since the test. It's been wonderful. The next few weeks are full of family time as Tobin will take his first two plane trips to Kentucky and Florida and entertain visitors like his Mamaw Walsh (yes, her 3rd visit in as many months!) and Great Aunt Bethany. And there will be a lot of time hanging out with Dad and Mom. Life is good in the Smith home.


Anonymous said...

hey you, I love you so much. my nephew is as good-looking as me. I mean--I got a better jaw-line--but the same amount of facial hair- can't wait for sept. 1-4. love you al

Heather said...

and of course you passed, right?

i hope i am as blessed as you, one day.